Pelham Health Fair

Pelham Health Fair 2024

The Welland-McMaster Family Health Team (WMFHT) has been a beacon of support for migrant workers in Pelham for the past three years, offering Sunday afternoon health clinics throughout the summer. This year, in a collaborative effort with the Niagara Migrant Workers Interest Group (NMWIG) and Positive Living Niagara, WMFHT hosted their 2nd Annual Health Fair for Migrant Workers on Sunday, May 26th, from 2-5 pm at the Fenwick United Church. The event highlighted an exciting new addition to their outreach initiatives—the Reach Niagara Mobile Health Clinic.

This year’s Health Fair was a vibrant celebration of community and health, attended by approximately 50 local migrant workers. The event featured a range of information tables hosted by various resource providers, including Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW), Positive Living Niagara, Niagara Community Legal Clinic, Health Canada’s Pesticide Compliance Program and Niagara Free Store operated by OPIRG Brock.

Guests enjoyed a complimentary lunch bringing together seasonal farmworkers, community partners, and volunteers in an inclusive atmosphere. Welcome bags, filled with generous contributions from local businesses, were distributed to all attendees, symbolizing the community’s support and appreciation. A raffle with exciting prizes, including five bicycles, added to the festive spirit, highlighting the event’s goal of building bridges between migrant farmworkers and their neighbours.

Special thanks go out to the many local business sponsors and community groups who made the event possible: PharmaChoice-Family Health Pharmacy Pelham, Fenwick Pharmacy, Urge to Purge Inc., Rotary Club of Fonthill, CFUW Welland && District, Century 21 Today Realty Ltd., Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW), Country Boys Mobile Food Services, Country Corner Market, Food Basics (Fonthill), Team Berkhout Bosse – Remax Niagara Realty Ltd and Black Sheep Coffee Roasters.

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Pelham Health Fair 2023

The Welland-McMaster Family Health Team (WMFHT) has been providing support to Migrant Workers in Pelham for the last 3 years by running Sunday afternoon health clinics in the summer at locations in Pelham. To aid in the availability and accessibility of information, WMFHT, in partnership with the Niagara Migrant Workers Interest Group (NMWIG) and Positive Living Niagara, hosted a Health Fair for Migrant Workers on Sunday, June 4th from 2-5pm at the Fenwick United Church.

“The objective for the Health Fair was to increase access to health and social information to Pelham’s Migrant Workers and to provide a social event that brings workers together in a sense of community. For many years, NMWIG has hosted a similar event in Niagara-On-The-Lake, but this is the first year that this event was held in Pelham as well,” said Lauren DeNapoli, WMFHT, FHO Administrator and Health Educator.

Information tables were hosted by several resource providers including Niagara Region Public Health, Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW), Positive Living Niagara, and Niagara Community Legal Clinic, Pelham Cares Inc. with the Lincoln Pelham Public Library also offering local community outreach services.

Approximately 70 local Migrant Workers attended this inaugural Health Fair and the on-site clinic was utilized to its capacity throughout the event. An authentic Mexican taco lunch was served by Niagara local mobile food company, The Sonora Market and volunteers and guests alike enjoyed a day of fellowship, good food and community connection.

Special thanks to the many local business sponsors and community groups -

PharmaChoice-Family Health Pharmacy Pelham; Fenwick Pharmacy; Urge to Purge Inc. (Mark Melloni); Rotary Club of Fonthill; Century 21 Today Realty Ltd; Team Berkhout Bosse - Remax Niagara Realty Ltd., Brokerage; Giant Tiger; Country Boys Mobile Food Services; Country Corner Market; Grimsby Seniors Club who contributed items for the welcome bags that were distributed to all the Migrant Farm Workers and the various prizes that were raffled at the event including two bicycles donated by Canadian Tire and CAA Niagara. Also, thank you to the Meridian Credit Union, Fonthill Branch for use of their tent for the day - allowing the volunteers to stay in the shade throughout the afternoon!

(Thank you to for the write-up!)


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